Sunday, August 31, 2008


The other day, I got a call from my sister, Jada. She was on a corporate retreat and they were playing a "treasure hunt" type game where the team is given clues and puzzles to figure out which lead to more clues. They were stumped and she called to tell me I was her "lifeline", or bonus call to an outside party for help. Their clue to the next location was, 'Before the 400 years of silence, this prophet gave instructions to the Israelites in the third chapter and 10th verse.' Well, that led us to Malachi, the last prophet before the time between the testaments. The verse reads, ' "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." ' (NIV)

My sister thanked me and we ended the phone conversation. I marvel sometimes at how God brings his word before us when we need to hear it. The verse was a reminder to me on several levels. First, on a personal level, I have been VERY busy lately. I am in a full time graduate program with a busy practicum seeing therapy clients. I am a student worker 20 hours a week, a GA 10 hours a week, I have a part time job on 12 hours a week and I have a photography hobby/business on the side. Did I mention that I'm married with three kids? :-) Point is, although I try to read my bible and I'm moderately active at church, my daily living has edged out my daily devotion. When I read that verse, it was a kick in my spiritual pants, a reminder about livin' like crazy. God was reminding me that although in comparison to other Christians, I might be living a devoted life, God's standard is much higher. He wants all of me, 100% of the time. It is possible to be living the life that I've been living recently and still keep God in my center, but I've really let it slide. It is no wonder I feel burnt out and stressed this week.

Second, God was not just reminding the Israelites (and, by proxy, me) that he requires much everything, but that he desires to pour out blessings on me as well. He calls us to trust him in this, to prove his faithfulness to keep his promises. he said he'd "throw open the storehouses of Heaven" and that it would be so much that there would not be enough room for it. How's that for loving like crazy?

John 10:10.
